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  1. #1
    ParanoidAndroid Avatar von KlausK
    Registriert seit


    Oh you silly old man
    You silly old man
    You're making a fool of yourself
    So get off the stage
    You silly old man
    In your misguided trousers
    With your mascara and your Fender guitar
    And you think your can rouse us
    But the song that you just sang
    It sounds exactly like the last one
    And the next one
    I bet you it will sound
    Like this one
    Downstage, and offstage
    Don't you feel all run in?
    And you wonder when they will take it away
    This is your final fling
    But then applause ran high
    But for the patience of the ones behind you
    As a verse drags on like a month drags on
    It's very short but it seems very long
    And the song that you just sang
    It sounds exactly like the last one
    And the next one
    I bet you it will sound
    Like this one
    So get off the stage
    Oh, get off the stage
    And when you get down off of the stage
    Please stay off the stage, Ol
    Get off the stage
    Oh, get off the stage
    And when we've had our money back
    Then I'd like your back in plaster
    Oh I know that you say
    How age has no meaning
    Oh but here is your audience now
    And they're screaming
    Get off the stage
    Oh, get off the stage
    ZCuz I've given you enough of my time
    And the money that wasn't even mine (have you seen the silvery [screen])
    Oh get off the stage...
    For whom the bell tolls
    The paint, my love, gets you going like
    You wanna be got for the next world's scene

  2. #2


    Last boat, stand in a river
    Muddy river, high over level
    Hawk flying is fooling his folly
    Gas hurricanes spray over Heaven
    Weeping willow is bawling the light
    On fire.

    Humans running for cover,
    Wishing for life, gripping the light
    House lift up, trees lift up
    Cars intersect in the middle of the sky.
    O time before, no pull, no gravity on the ground
    Givin' up - it's over
    The world's weight is over the limit

    Our bodies are exploding
    As the sky spills through our mouths.
    All the blue blood is flowing
    The cities, its contents have been ripped out.
    The world is gone.
    Did you know it would last this long?
    You made it to the dark, now you're gone.
    You are gone.

    Great waves
    Frozen in a secret space
    A great big place,
    Dark-spilling universe.
    Geändert von :scatterbrain: (Fr, 19. Januar 2007 um 11:11 Uhr)

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