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  1. #1
    The Eraser Avatar von Ignorey
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    Standard AW: Neue Platte...

    Zitat Zitat von Cecily Beitrag anzeigen
    Ist es denn wahrscheinlich, dass wenn man die livebootleg-Version gar nicht mag, man den Song in anderen Gewand lieben wird?

    Ersntgemeinte Frage, ich weiß es nicht.
    keiner, außer der band, kann dir diese frage beantworten, man kann nur kindliche vorfreude, spannung und einen berg voller erwartungen entgegenhalten!

  2. #2
    The Eraser Avatar von Solus
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    Standard AW: Neue Platte...

    Mit dem Livemitschnitt von 2+2=5 konnte ich damals gar nichts anfangen; das hat sich mit der Albumversion dann dezent geändert - genauso wie bei Cymbal Rush, aber da war die Aufnahme auch sehr schlecht.
    Außerdem hatten sie ja mehr als genug Zeit, die Lieder noch einmal zu überarbeiten. Und wahrscheinlich haben sie ja in den Liedern, die selbst nach der Überarbeitung schlecht klangen, Kindergesang mit reingemischt - schon sind zumindest die weiblichen Fans total begeistert. Und vielleicht waren sie sogar so schlau und haben das mit Auto- und Fußballgeräuschen gekoppelt, um auch die männlichen Fans glücklich zu machen.
    Das wird schon ein total tolles Album mit total tollen Liedern werden, da bin ich mir sicher.

  3. #3

    Standard AW: Neue Platte...

    Zitat Zitat von Solus Beitrag anzeigen
    schon sind zumindest die weiblichen Fans total begeistert.
    BITTE ??????????????? singende kinder sind doch mit das grässlichste, was es gibt. also ich muss gestehen, dass ich mich ja ein wenig vor diesem part des albums fürchte... aber wer weiss, vielleicht haben sie das ja auch irgendwie so hinbekommen, dass sich das gut anhört. wovon ich eigentlich ausgehen möchte. is ja alles möglich.

  4. #4
    The Eraser Avatar von Ignorey
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    Standard AW: Neue Platte...

    haha, kinder for the girls and a ball on the pitch for the boys!!!

    nee im ernst, back to topic...

    a massively outstanding article on guardian online:

    These shoe-gazers are trailblazers

    Naresh Ramchandani
    Monday October 8, 2007
    The Guardian

    It seems that the best pieces of marketing at the moment are coming from bands not brands. A few weeks ago I wrote about Prince distributing his new CD free with the Mail on Sunday. Although Prince rode the beast, some say for irony and I say for cash, it was a piece of true marketing originality and, if I liked his music at all or could read the MoS without feeling ill, I would have rushed to my newsagent like two million others did.
    And now Radiohead have done something even better. On October 10, nearly two months before you can buy it physically, their new album In Rainbows can be downloaded off their site - and you can pay as much or as little as you like. Of course it's marketing genius.

    Within two hours of the announcement, three of my friends have left me messages - real voicemails, not even texts. Within a few hours, it's being reported on news sites and the news. The following day I hear two people on the tube talking about it. One looks like a student, the other a banker and they're calculating how many people will pay too little and how many will pay too much, and whether Radiohead are on to a huge profit thing.

    The following day I read about the site crashing under the e-stampede. On the same day a friend tells me about a friend of his who went to the site and clicked through the ordering process and then got annoyed when he couldn't pay by paypal - so in a grump, he paid 1p. Which got me so annoyed that I went on the same site and paid a tenner.

    Discussion, judgment, conjecture and passion that will no doubt sell downloads by the bucket-load - this is what all marketeers would special offer their soul to have. The twist is that Radiohead aren't marketeers. Although Maslow's Needs, Brand Onion and TGI Run all sound like brilliant Radiohead song titles, I seriously doubt the band has ever heard of the first, looked at the second or come close to commissioning the third. No, Radiohead just do what they do and it works. Maybe brands could do it too if they followed some basic Radiohead rules of unmarketing:

    1. Make it great.

    It's time to 'fess up here. Prince doesn't work for me because I just don't feel the funk and, in my humble emo opinion, Radiohead are just about the best band on this little planet. Although caricatured as depressive shoe-gazers on downers, they are in fact musical, melodic and experimental with an immaculate grip on ear-bleed rock, twitchy dance and delicate ballad all at once. If something's truly great - a shoe, a phone, a band - then marketing it, or unmarketing it, becomes a whole lot easier.

    2. Believe in it.

    Passion creates passion, belief creates belief and Radiohead absolutely believe in what they're doing. You can hear it in Thom Yorke's voice. You can see it in the way he loses himself on stage, dancing like a muscle hard-wired to the music. He believes that in this world of social, political and technological uncertainty there is some salvation in song - or something like that. Steve Ballmer believes in Microsoft so much that he jumps around whooping and sweating at conferences. Ingvar Kamprad believes in affordable design to such an extent that he still walks around Ikea stores checking that all the price tags are clearly displayed. Bands or brands that lose perspective create fans that lose it too.

    3. Don't explain it.

    If you asked a hundred Radiohead fans to explain the appeal of Radiohead, they would all explain it differently. Some might warble on about the band's preoccupations like I did just now; some might stick to the music; some might single out their integrity; or their lack of a record label; some might focus on their unpolished looks. A clever planner I used to work with would talk about brands as having DNA, different strands of which appeal to different people. I think this is right and if so, the reduction of a band/brand into a simple articulate proposition - which marketing is addicted to - isn't helpful. Say less to mean more. As guitarist Jonny Greenwood says on the Radiohead site. "Hello everyone. Well the new album is finished, and it's coming out in 10 days. We've called it In Rainbows. Love from us all. Jonny." Enough said.

    4. One good eye.

    I'm sure you know that Thom Yorke has a paralysed eye. It's a physical oddity but more than that, it's a perfect analogy. Where many brands (and a lot of bands) look to their product and to their audience, look to create and look to please, Radiohead don't look to please. They simply make music they want to make; try ideas like the pay-as-much-as-you-like download because they want to try them. It's a kind of an artistic approach that repects fans rather than seeks to ingratiate them. And of course, it's an approach their fans love.

    So the however-many-dollars-you-like question is - can brands do it too? Well for every Vodafone, created in pursuit of profit, there is a Google, created in pursuit of perfect search. Quality, belief, mystique and myopia are perhaps not as uncommercial as they may sound.

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